
Click View > Toolbars in the menu and check or uncheck the check box to the left of the toolbar to display or hide the toolbar. The following toolbars are available in Silk Test Workbench:
Provides the following actions for asset management:
Button Description
New (Ctrl+N) Displays the New window, where you can create any type of asset.
Open (Ctrl+O) Opens the Asset Browser to allow you to open an asset. Highlights the asset type last worked with.
Save as new version (Ctrl+S)
  • Saves the current state of the asset as a new version of the asset and assigns an incremental numerical identifier to the version. The shortcut key combination is enabled if the default save behavior is set to Save as new version. For more information, see Setting the Default Behavior for Saving Assets.
  • Saves the current state of an asset as the current version of the asset. The shortcut key combination is enabled if the default save behavior is set to Save as current version. For more information, see Setting the Default Behavior for Saving Assets. This command is disabled the first time you save an asset.
Save All (Ctrl+Shift+L)
  • Saves the current states of all open assets as new versions of the assets and assigns an incremental numerical identifier to the version for each asset. The shortcut key combination is enabled if the default save behavior is set to Save as new version. For more information, see Setting the Default Behavior for Saving Assets.
  • Saves the current states of all open assets as the current version of the assets. The shortcut key combination is enabled if the default save behavior is set to Save as current version. For more information, see Setting the Default Behavior for Saving Assets. This command is disabled the first time you save an asset.
Print (Ctrl+P) Displays the print dialog box, where you can print the selected asset.
Print Preview Displays a Print Preview dialog box, where you can see the layout of the current asset before printing it.
Index Opens the Index tab in the help.
Provides the following actions for editing:
Button Description
Cut (Ctrl+X) Cuts a selected item and moves it to the clipboard.
Copy (Ctrl+C) Copies a selected item.
Paste (Ctrl+V) Pastes a selected item.
Undo (Ctrl+Z) Reverses the previous edit in a test script. Not available for visual tests.
Redo (Ctrl+Y) Reverses the previous Undo action in a test script. Not available for visual tests.
Comment Line (Ctrl+K) Disable one or more currently selected lines in a script by commenting them out. You can use this shortcut to comment out entire blocks of code. You can also use Ctrl+F11.
Uncomment Line (Ctrl+Shift+K) Re-enable one or more selected lines in a script by un-commenting them.
Provides the following actions for the recording process:
Button Description
Record Records all user actions into the active visual test or test script, at the current location.
Playback (F5) Playback the active visual test or script.
Pause Suspends a visual test or test script that is currently being played back and highlights the point where the execution was halted.
Stop Aborts the playback of the currently active visual test or script.
Identify Object (Ctrl+Shift+I) Opens the Identify Object dialog box where you can record a locator for a selected object.
Displays the Asset Browser and the Start Screen.
Test Logic
Provides the following actions for adding logic to visual tests:
Button Description
Create Decision Type Logic Decision logic evaluates a user-defined condition, and then runs a sequence of test steps depending on the return value of the condition.
Create Repetition Type Logic Repetition logic repeats a sequence of test steps a set number of times while or until a user-defined condition is true.
Create Verification Type Logic (Ctrl+Alt) Verification logic evaluates a user-defined condition, and then sends a pass/fail message to the result of a visual test or script.
Create Playback Error Handler Logic Error handling logic eliminates the need for debugging playback errors by telling the visual test to detect errors, and how to respond to them when they occur.
Insert An If Type Logic Item Add conditional logic to the active visual test by enclosing the selected test steps between an If and an End If test step. The test steps are only executed if the condition is met.
Insert An Else If Type Logic Item Can only be used between an If or Else If test step and an End If test step in a visual test. The test steps between Else If and End If are executed if the conditions of any preceding If or Else If test steps are not met while the condition of the Else If test step is met.
Insert An Else Type Logic Item Can only be used between an If or Else If test step and an End If test step in a visual test. The test steps between Else and End If are executed if the conditions of any preceding If or Else If test steps are not met.