The TrueLog Explorer helps you analyze test results files and can capture screenshots before and after each action, and when an error occurs. TrueLog Explorer writes the test result files and screenshots into a TrueLog file.
You can additionally use the Difference Viewer to analyze results for test cases that use the Open Agent.
You can enable or disable TrueLog Explorer:
When you enable or disable TrueLog Explorer in the Run Testcase dialog box, Silk Test Classic makes the same change in the TrueLog Options dialog box. Likewise, when you enable or disable TrueLog Explorer in the TrueLog Options dialog box, Silk Test Classic makes the same change in the Run Testcase dialog box.
For additional information about TrueLog Explorer, refer to the Silk TrueLog Explorer User Guide, located in (in Microsoft Windows 7) or (in Microsoft Windows 10) .