When a locator is constructed, the attribute type is automatically assigned based on the technology domain that your application
uses. The attribute type and value determines how the locator identifies objects within your tests.
Supported attributes for Flex applications include:
- automationName
- caption (similar to automationName)
- automationClassName (e.g.
- className (the full qualified name of the implementation class, e.g.
- automationIndex (the index of the control in the view of the FlexAutomation, e.g.
- index (similar to automationIndex but without the prefix, e.g.
- id (the id of the control)
- windowId (similar to id)
- label (the label of the control)
- All dynamic locator attributes
Note: Attribute names are case sensitive, except for mobile applications, where the attribute names are case insensitive. Attribute values are by default case insensitive, but you can change the default setting like any other option. The locator
attributes support the wildcards
? and
For additional information on dynamic locator attributes, see
Dynamic Locator Attributes.