Configuring the Port to Connect to the Open Agent

Before you begin this task, stop the Silk Test Open Agent.

Typically, you do not have to configure port numbers manually. The information service handles port configuration automatically. Use the default port of the information service to connect to the Open Agent. Then, the information service forwards communication to the port that the Open Agent uses. However, you can configure the information service port settings to avoid problems with a firewall by forcing communication on a specific port.

If necessary, change the port number that the Silk Test client or the application that you want to test uses to connect to the Open Agent.

  1. Navigate to the file and open it. By default, this file is located at: %APPDATA%\Silk\SilkTest\conf, which is typically C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Silk\SilkTest\conf where <user name> equals the current user name.
  2. Change the value for the appropriate port. Typically, you configure port settings to resolve a port conflict.
    Note: Each port number must be unique. Ensure that the port numbers for the Agent differ from the information service port settings.
    Port numbers can be any number from 1 to 65535.

    Port settings include:

    • agent.vtadapter.port – Controls communication between Silk Test Workbench and the Open Agent when running tests.

    • agent.xpmodule.port – Controls communication between Silk Test Classic and the Agent when running tests.

    • agent.autcommunication.port – Controls communication between the Open Agent and the application that you are testing.

    • agent.rmi.port – Controls communication with the Open Agent and Silk4J.

    • agent.ntfadapter.port – Controls communication with the Open Agent and Silk4NET.

    • agent.heartbeat.port – Required to test with an Open Agent that is installed on a remote machine.

    Note: The ports for Apache Flex testing are not controlled by this configuration file. The assigned port for Flex application testing is 6000 and increases by 1 for each Flex application that is tested. You cannot configure the starting port for Flex testing.
  3. Save the file as
  4. Restart the Open Agent, the Silk Test client, and the application that you want to test.