To replay tests against an application on a remote machine with
Silk4NET, perform the following actions:
Create a test against the application on the local machine.
Install the Open Agent on the remote machine.
For additional information, refer to the
Silk Test Installation Guide.
Start the Open Agent on the remote machine.
In the test script, use the
Connect method of the
Agent class to connect to the remote Open Agent.
For example, add the following line to the script:
// VB .NET code
Private agent As RemoteAgent = Agent.Connect("hostname:port")
// C# code
private RemoteAgent agent = Agent.Connect("hostname:port");
For additional information, see
Testing Applications in Multiple UI Sessions on a Single Machine
To execute a command in the test script on the remote machine, add the agent to the command.
For example, if the command in the local test script was
SomeAgentFunction, change the command to the following:
// VB .NET code
Dim d As Desktop = agent.Desktop
Dim baseState = New BaseState()
// C# code
Desktop d = agent.Desktop;
BaseState basestate = new BaseState();