If you want to test the mobile application on an
Android emulator, configure the emulator settings for
For additional information, see
Configuring the Android Emulator for Silk Test.
Start the
Android emulator or connect the device to the machine on which
Silk4J is installed.
If you want to test the mobile application on a physical
Android device that you are using for the first time on this machine, install the appropriate
Android USB Driver on the machine.
For additional information, see
Installing a USB Driver.
If you want to test the mobile application on a physical
Android device, enable USB-debugging on the
Android device.
For additional information, see
Enabling USB-Debugging.
Create a
Silk4J project for your mobile application.
Create a test for your mobile application.
Record the actions that you want to execute in the test.
When you start the
Recording window, the
Select Application dialog box opens.
To test a mobile web application:
Select the
Web tab.
Select the mobile browser that you want to use.
Specify the web page to open in the
Enter URL to navigate text box.
To test a native mobile application or a Hybrid application:
Note: To test native mobile applications or hybrid applications with
Silk4J, you require a native mobile license. For additional information, see
Licensing Information.
Select the
Mobile tab.
Select the mobile device, on which you want to test the app, from the list.
Browse to select the app file or enter the full path to the app file into the
Mobile app file text field.
Silk4J supports HTTP and UNC formats for the path.
Silk4J installs the app on the mobile device or emulator.
Android device or emulator must not be screen-locked during testing. To keep the device awake while it is connected to a machine,
open the settings and tap
Developer Options. Then check
Stay awake or
Stay awake while charging.
Use the
Recording window to record the test against the mobile application.
For additional information, see
Recording Mobile Applications.
When you have recorded all the actions, stop the recording.