Silk Performer Class
Note: For detailed information on all Java Framework classes and methods, view the Java documentation (HTML). The Java documentation
is located in your
Silk Performer installation folder:
\Silk\Silk Performer <version>\Doc\JavaFramework
SilkPerformer class is used to access runtime information and to forward user information to the
Silk Performer runtime environment. Here is the functionality offered by the
SilkPerformer class:
- Measure functions for timers and counters
- Synchronization of users (checkpoint = rendezvous) (global functions)
- Extended file functions
(file load functions)
- Output functions for logging and errors
(Print, Write and Rep functions)
- Global attribute get and set functions accessible from both Java and BDL
(AttributeSet, AttributeGet functions)
- Test functions
(Get functions)
- Random functions
(Rnd functions)
- Date time format functions
(format functions
Class Files
silk.performer package contains classes that enable the Java user implementation to communicate with the
Silk Performer runtime environment. The class files are bundled in the archive. See the
Classfiles folder in the installation home directory.
- SilkPerformer class
- FileEx
- MeasureCounter
- MeasureTimer
- PrintStream
- ReflectionUtil
Java Framework Template
A reference implementation of a BDL script called
NewJavaFramework.bdf is included.
Sample Java Class
A sample Java class belonging to a BDL script called is included.
Sample Applications
Three online samples are available. The sample files and related documentation are available at:
<public user documents>\Silk Performer
- Java Framework sample: This sample demonstrates the basic usage of the Java Framework API.
- Java RMI and JDBC: These samples demonstrate how to use the Java Framework API for RMI and JDBC replay.
- BankSample: This sample demonstrates some advanced features of the Java Framework API.
Installation Requirements
A Java Virtual Machine compatible with Oracle’s Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7 or 8 must be installed on each agent machine.
Note however that a full installation of a Java Development Kit (JDK) is recommended so that manually created Java test classes
can be compiled.