Start the remoting server application via
.NET Explorer. Choose
Help > Start Remoting Sample.
Manually start
RemServConsole.exe, which is available at
<public user documents>\Silk Performer21.0\SampleApps\DOTNET\RemotingSamples\RemServerConsole\bin\debug\RemServConsole.exe.
RemotingLib.dll, which is available at
<public user documents>\Silk Performer21.0\SampleApps\DOTNET\RemotingSamples\RemServerConsole\bin\debug\RemotingLib.dll.
Create an instance of the class
RemoteObject. Right-click
RemoteObject and choose
Create Remote Object.
You will be prompted for the activation URL. Enter
Connect to the remoted interface.
Invoke a method of the
RemoteInterface interface.
The first time you do this you will be prompted for the activation URL. The activation URL is either
tcp://localhost:2000/RemoteInterface.rem or
tcp://localhost:2000/RemoteInterfaceSCall.rem (single call object).