Java Sample Projects


This sample project implements a simple JDBC client using the Silk Performer Java Framework. The JDBC test client connects to the Oracle demo user scott using Oracle's "thin" JDBC driver. You must configure connection settings in the databaseUser.bdf BDL script to run the script in your environment. The sample accesses the EMP Oracle demo table.


This sample project implements a Java RMI client using the Silk Performer Java Framework. The test client uses IIOP as the transport protocol and connects to a RMI server provided as a sample application. For detailed instructions on setting up this sample project, see <public user documents>\Silk Performer 21.0\SampleApps\RMILdap\Readme.html.

The Java RMI server can be found at: <public user documents>\Silk Performer 21.0\SampleApps\RMILdap.


This sample project implements a Java RMI client using the Silk Performer Java Framework. The test client connects to a RMI server provided as a sample application. For detailed instructions on setting up this sample project, see <public user documents>\Silk Performer 21.0\SampleApps\RMILdap\Readme.html.

To access the Java RMI server:

If you have Silk Performer SOA Edition: Go to Start > Programs > Silk > Silk Performer SOA Edition 21.0 > Sample Applications > Java Samples > RMI Sample - SayHello .

If you have Silk Performer Enterprise Edition: Go to Start > Programs > Silk > Silk Performer 21.0 > Sample Applications > Java Samples > RMI Sample - SayHello.