This function replays keystrokes as if they were entered directly using the keyboard.
BrowserTypeKeys is synchronized as a whole. If you want to synchronize single keystrokes, you have to use single function calls per keystroke.
The BrowserTypeKeys function uses the Windows API level events to simulate the keystrokes instead of Java script events.
To simulate a modifier key (like SHIFT, CTRL or ALT) pressed and held down while pressing another key, use the following syntax: BrowserTypeKeys("//INPUT[@id='gwt-debug-cwBasicText-textbox']","<LEFT_CTRL+a>"). This will simulate a pressed and held down CTRL key and a pressed a key.
BrowserTypeKeys( uTestObject : in union, sKeyChain : in string, sTimer : in string optional, uDelay : in number optional ): boolean;
Parameter | Description |
uTestObject | The XPath locator or the handle to the DOM element. |
sKeyChain | The key strokes to be issued. For all characters that have a visual representation, that representation can be used to issue the keystrokes. All other keys are referred to as named keys. Named keys can be replayed by using the name of the key within <> as in the example below. |
sTimer | Optional: Name of the timer used for page measurements. If this parameter is omitted, no measurements are performed. |
uDelay | Optional: Delay (in milliseconds) between the separate key strokes. If omitted, there is no delay. |
true if successful
false otherwise
benchmark SilkPerformerRecorder use "Kernel.bdh" use "BrowserAPI.bdh" dcluser user VUser transactions TInit : begin; TMain : 1; var dclrand dcltrans transaction TInit begin end TInit; transaction TMain begin BrowserStart(BROWSER_MODE_DEFAULT, 800, 600); BrowserNavigate(""); // set the text to 'Hello!' BrowserTypeKeys("//INPUT[@id='gwt-debug-cwBasicText-textbox']", "Hello!!<BACKSPACE><ENTER>"); end TMain;