The SilkKDTExecuteTest function starts an execution using UFT Developer (Silk4J) and UFT Developer (Silk4NET) and collects the results of the execution.
SilkKDTExecuteTest( sKdtLibrary : in string, sTestCase : in string, lDataset : in list, sTimer : in string): boolean;
true if successful
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
sKdtLibrary | The keyword-driven test library name. |
sTestCase | The name of the test case you want to execute. |
lDataset | The list of strings containing the global variables of the test. |
sTimer | The name of the timer for the SilkKDTExecuteTest function. |
dcltrans transaction TInit begin AttributeGetString("GLTusername", username); AttributeGetString("GLTpassword", password); SilkKDTInitSession(username, password); SilkTestSetTinkTime(5.0); FileCSVLoadGlobal(hsub1t11, "library.csv", ";"); end TInit; transaction Ttest var dataset : list of string; begin FileGetRndRow(hsub1t11); pssub1t11User := FileGetCol(hsub1t11, 1); ListAdd(dataset, "user=" + pssub1t11User); pssub1t11Password := FileGetCol(hsub1t11, 2); ListAdd(dataset, "password=" + pssub1t11Password); SilkKDTExecuteTest("", "KDTTest", dataset, "KDTTest_Timer"); end TTest;