Generates serial numbers of type integer. For each call, the RndSno type returns a value incremented by one over the previous call.
RndSno( in nStart : number ): number;
Parameter | Description |
nStart | Starting value of the function |
dclrand rCube : RndUniN(1..6); rPrice : RndUniN(10..2000); rArtNo : RndExpN(1..10000: 100.0); rACat : RndStr("AABBCCDDEEFF0123456789", 3..4); rName : RndStr(10..40); rLfdNo : RndSno(1); dclsql InsArticle: INSERT INTO article (articlenumber, category, name) VALUES (:rLfdNo, :rACat, :rName);
The random variable rLfdNo is used in a SQL command to generate serial number values for the database field articlenumber. The first value generated is 1.