Equivalent to clicking the Web browser Reload button.
BrowserReload( bBypassCache : in boolean ): boolean;
Parameter | Description |
bBypassCache | If true, the cache is not used for reload and resources are reloaded even if they are cached. |
true if successful
false otherwise
benchmark SilkPerformerRecorder use "Kernel.bdh" use "BrowserAPI.bdh" dcluser user VUser transactions TInit : begin; TMain : 1; var dclrand dcltrans transaction TInit begin end TInit; transaction TMain begin // start the browser in visible mode with a width of 800 and a height of 600 pixels BrowserStart(BROWSER_MODE_DISPLAY_VISIBLE, 800, 600); // navigate to demo.borland.com BrowserNavigate("http://demo.borland.com/"); // reload the page BrowserReload(true); end TMain;