Working With XML Applications - Overview

TrueLog Explorer offers the same support for XML-based applications that it does for HTML-based applications, including:

The TrueLog Explorer Web-service support features an intuitive XML data interface that facilitates interaction and analysis of XML TrueLogs.

The TrueLog Explorer XML API works comparably to its Web API. XML data access functions for querying and verifying hold an advantage over Web functions because they allow you to specify the exact locations of values, even when values are specified multiple times. The Web API only allows for the specification of left/right boundaries using WebParseDataBound functions that are not flexible enough to adapt to server data changes.

Before proceeding with this chapter, it is essential that you familiarize yourself with TrueLog Explorer basic functionality.

Sample Web Service

The sample scripts included in this chapter are based on SOAP/XML messages taken from the sample Web service. The scripts were generated using .NET Explorer and exported for use with Silk Performer.

To view the sample Web service using .NET Explorer, navigate to: