Available Commands

The following table lists the Performance Explorer commands that you can use in a command line interface.

Command Description
/TSD:<file> Opens the specified .tsd file.
/ADDLOADTEST:<file Opens the load test results that contain the specified .tsd file.
/OVT:<template> Sets the specified template as preselection of the overview report template when manually generating an overview report.
/MONITORDIR:<dir> Sets the output directory for monitor writer files.
/MONCREATE:<dir> Starts in Monitoring mode (BDL Script Generation).
/ACTION:STDGRAPH Opens a predefined chart of type General. Uses the specified .tsd file (/TSD:<file>).
/ACTION:SELGRAPH Opens a wizard that allows you to select a template for the chart. Uses the specified .tsd file (/TSD:<file>).
/ACTION:MONSERVER Starts the server monitoring wizard.
/ACTION:STARTALLMONITORS Starts all monitor charts.
/ACTION:STOPALLMONITORS Stops all monitor charts.
/ACTION:OVERVIEWREPORT [:<template>] Generates an overview report for the specified .tsd file (/TSD:<file>). Can apply a template file. Make sure to specify a merged .tsd file (m@).
/ACTION:WORDOVERVIEWREPORT Generates a Word overview report for the specified .tsd file (/TSD:<file>). Make sure to specify a merged .tsd file (m@). The parameters /WORDTEMPLATE and /WORDTARGET can be set optionally. Performance Explorer will be executed in GUI-less mode.
/WORDTARGET:<file> The absolute path of the Word document (.docx) that will be generated. This parameter must be added before the parameter /ACTION:WORDOVERVIEWREPORT (see example below).
/WORDTEMPLATE:<file> The absolute path of the Word document (.docx) that will be used as a template for the generated Word overview report. This parameter must be added before the parameter /ACTION:WORDOVERVIEWREPORT (see example below).
/EXPORTOVR:<file> Exports a recently generated overview report view to <file>. Use file.htm for HTML or file.mht for WebArchive export.
/NOGUI Specifies whether Performance Explorer is executed visibly or invisibly (GUI-less mode). /NOGUI functions appropriately only when /NOEXIT is used in a DOS-based command line.
/SINGLEINSTANCE[:NOSTARTUP] Searches for an existing instance. When used with NOSTARTUP, no new instances are created.
/PEW:<workspace file> Opens or creates the specified workspace. When used with /SINGLEINSTANCE, an existing instance is selected only when it uses the given workspace file. Otherwise, a new instance is created.
/COMMANDFILE:<xml file> Load commands from the specified XML file.
/EXIT Saves the .tsd file, then closes Performance Explorer without saving changes to the workspace.
/NOEXIT Performance Explorer stays open after the command line execution.
/? Displays Performance Explorer with allowed command line parameters.


The following snippets illustrate how some of the above listed commands can be used.

If you add the parameter /TSD to the command PerfExp.exe, as shown in the first snippet, Performance Explorer opens and shows the specified .tsd file. Additionally, the parameters /ACTION:STDGRAPH and /ACTION:STARTALLMONITORS ensure that a predefined chart (of type General) is opened and all monitors are started automatically.


This second snippet starts Performance Explorer and opens the specified .pew file (/PEW). Then the monitor directory is set (/MONITORDIR) and all monitors contained in the .pew file are started automatically (/ACTION:STARTALLMONITORS). All these actions are performed without showing a user interface (/NOGUI). Finally, the parameter /SINGLEINSTANCE causes Performance Explorer to search for an existing instance and the parameter /NOEXIT ensures that Performance Explorer stays open when the command line is fully executed.


The third snippet causes the following behavior: Performance Explorer starts and the specified .pew file is opened (/PEW). While starting-up, Performance Explorer searches for an existing instance. If an instance is found, no new instance is started /SINGLEINSTANCE). The monitor directory is set (/MONITORDIR) and all monitors are stopped (/ACTION:STOPALLMONITORS). No user interface displays (/NOGUI). Finally, the .tsd file is saved and Performance Explorer closes without saving any changes to the workspace (/EXIT).


The fourth snippet generates a Word overview report: First, Performance Explorer starts without displaying any user interface (caused by the parameter /ACTION:WORDOVERVIEWREPORT) and opens the specified .tsd file (/TSD). Make sure to specify a merged .tsd file (m@). Then, the path and name of the Word document that will be generated are specified (/WORDTARGET) as well as the path and name of the Word template that is to be applied (/WORDTEMPLATE). Finally, the parameter /ACTION:WORDOVERVIEWREPORT causes the report to be generated.

PerfExp.exe /TSD:"c:\test.tsd" /WORDTARGET:"c:\report.docx" /WORDTEMPLATE:"c:\template.docx" /ACTION:WORDOVERVIEWREPORT