Calls an additional method of the Java class that implements the behavior of the virtual user. This function may be called in any additional transaction of your test script.
JavaUserMethod( in sName : string ): boolean;
true if successful
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
sName | Name of the method that is to be called. |
dcltrans transaction TInit begin JavaSetOption(JAVA_VERSION, JAVA_V11); JavaSetOption(JAVA_HOME, "c:/jdk1.1.7"); JavaSetOption(JAVA_CLASSPATH, "c:/myApplication/classes;c:/myTools/"); JavaCreateJavaVM(); JavaUserInit("SilkPerformerUser"); end TInit; transaction TRun begin JavaUserRun(); end TRun; transaction TMyTransaction begin JavaUserMethod("MyMethod"); end TMyTransaction; transaction TShutdown begin JavaUserShutdown(); end TShutdown;