WebTelnetScreenRecvRecordsUntilField Function


Receives data (packets terminated by IAC EOR) from a given connection until the rendered screen contains a specified field. This function is only valid on open connections that have a screen renderer associated with them and define fields via an underlying protocol, as is the case with Telnet 3270 connections.

Include file



WebTelnetScreenRecvRecordsUntilField(    in  hWeb        : number,
                                         in  nFieldIndex : number,
                                         in  sText       : string,
                                         in nOptions     : number optional,
                                         in nMaxLen      : number optional,
                                         out sRecv       : string optional ) : boolean;

Return value

  • true if the operation succeeded

  • false otherwise

Parameter Description
hWeb Valid handle to a Web connection created by WebTcpipConnect and set to Telnet mode using WebTcpipSetTelnetMode.
nFieldIndex Field index to which content from sText should be compared (1 based).
sText Text value that should be compared against the field value.

By default the retrieved content has to be equal with the compared sVerify string, case-insensitively (optional). Comparison options are:

  • TELNET_FLAG_EQUAL: Comparison is made against both whole strings. (default)

  • TELNET_FLAG_CASE_SENSITIVE: Perform comparison case-sensitively.

  • TELNET_FLAG_IS_DIFFERENT: Negates the logical comparison.

  • TELNET_FLAG_IGNORE_WHITE_SPACE: All whitespaces in both compared strings are cut before comparison is performed.

  • TELNET_FLAG_CONTAINS: Compared string must occur within the retrieved content.

  • TELNET_FLAG_FROM_LEFT: The retrieved content only has to begin with the compared string.

  • TELNET_FLAG_TRIM_LEFT: Leading blanks are trimmed from retrieved content before comparison.

  • TELNET_FLAG_TRIM_RIGHT: Trailing blanks are trimmed from retrieved content before comparison.

  • TELNET_FLAG_TRIM_BOTH: Rendered text is trimmed from both sides before comparison.

  • TELNET_FLAG_FROM_RIGHT: Comparison is made from the right of the retrieved content.

nMaxLen Length of screen portion to be compared with sText (optional). If omitted or 0, the length of sText is taken.
sRecv Optional string variable where all received binary data is to be placed until comparison succeeds (optional).


  transaction TInit
    StrSetHostCP(1148); // 1148  (IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro))
  end TInit;
  transaction TMain
    hWeb0     : number;
    iFieldPos : number;
    sRecv     : string;
    WebTcpipConnect(hWeb0, "My.TelnetHost.IP", WEB_PORT_TELNET); // Port: 23
    WebTcpipSetTelnetMode(hWeb0, TERMINAL_TYPE_3270, 80, 24, true,
    WebTelnetRecvCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_DO, TELNET_OPT_TerminalType);
    WebTelnetSendCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_WILL, TELNET_OPT_TerminalType);
    WebTelnetRecvSubNegotiation(hWeb0, TELNET_OPT_TerminalType);
    WebTelnetSendTerminalType(hWeb0, "IBM-3278-2-E");
    WebTelnetRecvCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_DO, TELNET_OPT_EndOfRecord);
    WebTelnetRecvCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_WILL, TELNET_OPT_EndOfRecord);
    WebTelnetRecvCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_DO, TELNET_OPT_TransmitBinary);
    WebTelnetRecvCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_WILL, TELNET_OPT_TransmitBinary);
    WebTelnetSendCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_WILL, TELNET_OPT_EndOfRecord);
    WebTelnetSendCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_DO, TELNET_OPT_EndOfRecord);
    WebTelnetSendCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_WILL, TELNET_OPT_TransmitBinary);
    WebTelnetSendCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_DO, TELNET_OPT_TransmitBinary);
    WebTelnetRecvCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_DO, TELNET_OPT_TransmitBinary);
    WebTelnetRecvCommand(hWeb0, TELNET_CMD_WILL, TELNET_OPT_TransmitBinary);
      "\h88001181A600000B0100005000180050" // ····¦······P···P 00000000
      "\h001800168186000800F4F1F1F2F2F3F3" // ·········ôññòòóó 00000010
      "\hF4F4F5F5F6F6F7F7000D81870400F0F1" // ôôõõöö÷÷······ðñ 00000020
      "\hF1F2F2F4F40007818800010200178181" // ñòòôô··········· 00000030
      "\h01000050001801000100030004000909" // ···P············ 00000040
      "\h0C0780001B81858200090C0000000007" // ················ 00000050

      "\h00000002B900250100F103C301360006" // ····¹·%··ñ·Ã·6·· 00000060
      "\h81990000001281970000080008000101" // ················ 00000070
      "\h000B0401C0C1000981A80200F0FFFFFF" // ····ÀÁ···¨··ð··· 00000080

      "\hFF000C81950000081108110101000F81"  // ················ 00000090
      "\h80A687888185869997A89580");   // ·¦·······¨·· 000000A0  

    WebTelnetScreenRecvRecordsUntilCursor(hWeb0, 16, 23, sRecv);
    sRecv := WebTelnetScreenGetStatus(hWeb0, "Keyboard Locked");
    if sRecv = "false" then
      WebTelnetSendRecord(hWeb0, "\h7D5B6F115B6F" + StrToHostCP("1"));
      WebTelnetScreenRecvRecordsUntilStatus(hWeb0, "Keyboard Locked", "false");
      WebTelnetSendRecord(hWeb0, "\h7D5BF0115BF0" + StrToHostCP("12"));
      WebTelnetScreenRecvRecordsUntilText(hWeb0, 6, 22, "Choice:");    
      WebTelnetSendRecord(hWeb0, "\h7D5A5E115A5E" + StrToHostCP("12"));
      WebTelnetScreenRecvRecordsUntilField(hWeb0, 1, " ");
  end TMain;