Objects Tab

When an object is instantiated through a constructor or returned by a method and stored in a variable, the object is listed in the Loaded Components pane on the Objects tab. Instance members and methods that can then be invoked by the user are displayed.

The Objects tab shows objects stored in variables that have global scope and those that have a local scope of the currently selected test case.


By default, unless changed in the Options dialog box, only objects that differ from the basic types (for example, strings and integers) are listed here as objects. Instance methods and members are displayed to allow for easy invokation.

Members and properties have get/set accessors to enable the getting and setting of values.

Local test case objects are included in the Local Test Case Objects folder. Global test case objects are included in the Global Test Case Objects folder.


By default variables that store simple datatypes such as strings and integers are listed in the Global Random Variables folder, not as objects but as simple variables.

To work with variables of simple data types like objects, select Show Primitive Types as Objects on the Options dialog box.