Searches for the first occurrence of the specified string and, if found, sets the current position of the file pointer to the first character of the found string.
FFindString( in hFile :number; in sSearchStr : string ): boolean;
true if the string was found
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
hFile | Valid handle to an open file. This handle must have been returned from a previous call to FOpen. |
sSearchStr | String to search for |
dcltrans transaction TMain const scFileName := "c:\\temp\\dummyfile.txt"; var hFile : number; sOutput, sSearch : string; begin // create a file and store a string FOpen(hFile, scFileName, OPT_FILE_ACCESS_READWRITE, OPT_FILE_CREATE); sOutput := "Hope the weather will be fine tomorrow!"; FWrite(hFile, sOutput); FClose(hFile); write("new file created"); writeln; // search for the word "weather" in the file FOpen(hFile, scFileName); sSearch := "weather"; if FFindString(hFile, sSearch) then write("word found"); writeln; else write("word not found"); writeln; end; // close file FClose(hFile); write("file closed"); writeln; end TMain;
new file created word found file closed