The PDCE (Performance Data Collection Engine) is an internal engine of Performance Explorer used for online monitoring. Its interface can also be used in the BDL of Silk Performer for monitoring PDCE data sources.
Therefore all measures that Performance Explorer is able to monitor in real-time can also be used the same way with the BDL of Performance Explorer. After the execution of some registering functions you are able to get the data out of the PDCE through the provided polling functions. These functions provide data, status information, and a description for the measures (if available).
Client |
Any source that is registered in the Performance Data Collection Engine for collecting measure data (Silk Performance Manager, Silk Performer, Performance Explorer, TSD Writer). |
Measure | A measure is the data object that stores the collected data of the queries with corresponding statistic data (sum, min, max, avg, stdev,...). It provides access to this data, and additional information about the measure itself (measure type, description, status,...). |
Measure Group | Measure groups are a collection of all measures that are of the same measure type and have the same update interval. Such a group has all the logic to perform the necessary queries for measure updates and to provide this data to the clients. |
Interval Manager | The Interval Manager adds new subscribed measures to the correct measure group. Additionally, it contains a scheduler that initiates the queries for measure updates for every Measure Group. |
Performance Data Collection Engine | A library, that allows multiple clients to register different types of measures (NT System Data, SNMP Data, Silk Performer data,...) for data collection. This data is either provided to the clients for real time monitoring or for writing to a Timeseries Data file (TSD Writer). |
//------------------------------------------------------- // Performance monitoring script uses polling functions of PDCE interface // for monitoring all supported performance data source of the PDCE. //------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------- benchmark SilkPerformer Pdce use "pdce.bdh" const STRING_SIZE := 1024; NUMBER_OF_MEASURES := 7; // sample measure strings for different data sources RSTAT_SAMPLE_MEASURE := "RStat:Total Cpu@localhost"; SNMP_SAMPLE_MEASURE := "SNMP:"; PERFMON_SAMPLE_MEASURE := "PERFMON:\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time@localhost"; REXEC_SAMPLE_MEASURE := "REXEC:VMSTAT:0\\9@localhost"; WEBSPHERE_SAMPLE_MEASURE := "WS35:localhost.Default Server.runtime.resources.memFree@localhost:900"; PMI_SAMPLE_MEASURE := "PMI:localhost\\Default Server\\jvmRuntimeModule\\1@localhost:900"; PERFSERVLET_MEASURE := "PERFSERVLET:vangelis\Default Server\jvmRuntimeModule\totalMemory\@vangelis:80?/wasPerfTool/servlet/perfservlet" // Definition of global variables: string, number, float, boolean, array var pClient :number; pMeasure :array[NUMBER_OF_MEASURES] of number; sMeasureName :array[NUMBER_OF_MEASURES] of string; fMeasureLastValue :float; fMeasureSum :float; fMeasureMin :float; fMeasureMax :float; fMeasureAvg :float; fMeasureStDev :float; uiMeasureTimeStamp :number; uiMeasureStatus :number; sDescription :string(STRING_SIZE); sErrorText :string(STRING_SIZE); sMeasureKey :string; uiErrorCode :number; uiPdceInternalQueryInterval : number init 5000; //msec fPdceInitInterval : float init 5.0; //sec fMonitoringInterval : float init 3.0; //sec uiTimeStamp : number; uiNewPdceInternalQueryInterval : number init 10000; //msec // Workload Section dcluser user VPdceMonitor transactions TInit : begin; // Initialization TPdceMonitor : 10; // Transactions TEnd : end; // Termination // Transactions Section ------------------- dcltrans transaction TInit begin // Insert here the initial statements PdceStartup(); PdceClientRegister(pClient, uiPdceInternalQueryInterval); sMeasureKey := PERFMON_SAMPLE_MEASURE; sMeasureName[1] := "PerfmonMeasure1"; PdceAddMeasure(pClient, sMeasureName[1], sMeasureKey, pMeasure[1]); // samples for other datasources, different handle "pMeasure" needed for every measure /* sMeasureKey := RSTAT_SAMPLE_MEASURE; sMeasureName[2] := "RstatMeasure1"; PdceAddMeasure(pClient,sMeasureName[2],sMeasureKey,pMeasure[2]); sMeasureKey := SNMP_SAMPLE_MEASURE; sMeasureName[3] := "SnmpMeasure1"; PdceAddMeasure(pClient,sMeasureName[3],sMeasureKey,pMeasure[3]); sMeasureKey := REXEC_SAMPLE_MEASURE; sMeasureName[4] := "RexecMeasure1"; PdceAddMeasure(pClient,sMeasureName[4],sMeasureKey,pMeasure[4]); sMeasureKey := WEBSPHERE_SAMPLE_MEASURE; sMeasureName[5] := "WebSphereMeasure1"; PdceAddMeasure(pClient, sMeasureName[5], sMeasureKey, pMeasure[5]); sMeasureKey := PMI_SAMPLE_MEASURE; sMeasureName[6] := "PmiMeasure1"; PdceAddMeasure(pClient, sMeasureName[6], sMeasureKey, pMeasure[6]); sMeasureKey := PERFSERVLET_SAMPLE; sMeasureName[7] := "PerfServletMeasure1"; PdceAddMeasure(pClient, sMeasureName[7], sMeasureKey, pMeasure[7]); */ wait(fPdceInitInterval); // get time stamp PdceGetStartTickCount(uiTimeStamp); write("Timestamp:"); write(uiTimeStamp, 10); // change interval PdceClientInterval(pClient, uiNewPdceInternalQueryInterval); // get description of measures and write to output file // ... do for every measure of which you want a detailed description PdceMeasureQueryInfo(pMeasure[1], sDescription, STRING_SIZE); write(sMeasureName[1]); write(": "); writeln(sDescription); writeln; end TInit; //------------------------------------------ transaction TPdceMonitor begin // get actual status of measure PdceMeasureQueryStatus(pMeasure[1], uiErrorCode, sErrorText, STRING_SIZE); // get actual values of measure PdceMeasureQueryValue(pMeasure[1], fMeasureLastValue, fMeasureSum, fMeasureMin, fMeasureMax, fMeasureAvg, fMeasureStDev, uiMeasureTimeStamp, uiMeasureStatus); // write to output file write(sMeasureName[1]); write(": Timestamp:"); write(uiMeasureTimeStamp, 10); write(" Value: "); write(fMeasureLastValue, 8, 2); write(" Sum: "); write(fMeasureSum, 10, 2); write(" Min: "); write(fMeasureMin, 8, 2); write(" Max: "); write(fMeasureMax, 8, 2); write(" Avg: "); write(fMeasureAvg, 8, 2); write(" StDev: "); write(fMeasureStDev, 8, 2); write(" Status: "); writeln(sErrorText); wait(fMonitoringInterval); end TPdceMonitor; //------------------------------------------ transaction TEnd begin // every measure has to be unsubscribed; PdceMeasureUnSubscribe(pMeasure[1]); PdceClientUnRegister(pClient); PdceCleanup(); end TEnd;