Terminate a specified session and obsoletes the session object.
JoltEndSession( in hSession: number ): boolean;
true if successful
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
hSession | Handle to a JoltSession object that was created with JoltSessionNew |
var hSession, hSessionAttr: number; dcltrans transaction TInit begin JavaSetOption(JAVA_VERSION, JAVA_V11); JavaSetOption(JAVA_HOME, "c:/jdk1.1.7"); JavaSetOption(JAVA_CLASSPATH, "c:/jdk1.1.7"); JoltInit(); hSessionAttr := JoltSessionAttributesNew(); JoltSetString(hSessionAttr, APPADDRESS,"//lab:8000"); hSession := JoltSessionNew(hSessionAttr, "", "ATM", "", ""); end TInit; transaction TShutdown begin JoltEndSession(hSession); JoltFreeObject(hSession); JoltFreeObject(hSessionAttr); end TShutdown;
Java: bea.jolt.JoltSessionAttributes class