Checks the availability of a specified host by sending an ICMP echo request (ping).
WebPing( in sHost : string, in nTimeout : number optional, in nPings : number optional, in nDataSize : number optional): boolean;
true if the host responds at least one time
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
sHost | Domain name or IP address, for example, or |
nTimeout | Time, in ms, in which the tested host has to respond, otherwise it is considered to be not responding (optional). The default timeout is 1 second. |
nPings | Number of pings to be sent (optional). The default value is 3. |
nDataSize | Size of the additional data that the ICMP echo request sends (optional). This must be a value between 0 and 65527, inclusive. The default value is 32. |
dcltrans transaction TMain var nResult: number; begin if not WebPing("lab1") then Print("host lab1 is not responding") else Print("host lab1 is alive") end; if not WebPing("", 500, 1) then Print("host is not responding") else Print("host is alive") end; end TMain;