Verifies a number element at a given row/column within the internal result set, which is filled whenever a data generating SQL statement is executed (SELECT statement), no matter which database API (ORA, ODBC) has generated it.
RsVerifyInt( in nVerify : number, in sIdentifier : string, in nIndex : number optional, in nOptions : number optional, in nSeverity : number optional ): boolean;
Parameter | Description |
nVerify | Number value to verify. |
sIdentifier | Identifier of the result data column. |
nIndex | Array index for the column item (optional). |
nOptions |
Options (optional).
nSeverity |
Optional: Severity of the error that is raised if the verification fails. Can be one of the following values:
var hConnection : number; cCursor : cursor; dcltrans transaction TMain var nAge : number; sName : string; begin OraLogon(hConnection, "user", "password", "orclnet2"); OraOpen(cCursor, hConnection); OraParse(cCursor, sqlSelect); OraBind(cCursor, ":1", SQLT_INT); OraSetInt(cCursor, ":1", 25); OraDefine(cCursor, 1, SQLT_CHR, 32); OraDefine(cCursor, 2, SQLT_INT); OraExec(cCursor); while OraFetch(cCursor) do sName := RsGetString("1"); RsVerifyInt(10, "2"); write(sName, 32); write(nAge, 5); writeln; end; OraClose(cCursor); OraLogoff(hConnection); end TMain; dclsql sqlSelect: SELECT * FROM persons WHERE age > :1;