This function verifies that a property of a DOM element has a specified value. The logic of this function works as follows:
BrowserVerifyProperty( uTestObject : in union, sDomPropertyName : in string, vDomPropertyValue : in union, nOptions : in number optional, nSeverity : in number optional := SEVERITY_ERROR ): boolean;
Parameter | Description |
uTestObject | The XPath locator or the handle to the DOM element. |
sDomPropertyName | The name of the property of the DOM element. |
vDomPropertyValue | The value of the property to be verified. |
nOptions | Optional: Flagmask to configure the verification. Can be one of the following values:
nSeverity | Optional: Severity of the error that is raised if the verification fails. Can be one of the following values:
true if successful
false otherwise
benchmark SilkPerformerRecorder use "Kernel.bdh" use "BrowserAPI.bdh" dcluser user VUser transactions TInit : begin; TMain : 1; var dclrand dcltrans transaction TInit begin end TInit; transaction TMain var propertyValue : boolean; begin BrowserStart(BROWSER_MODE_DEFAULT, 800, 600); BrowserNavigate(""); // check Monday BrowserCheckBoxSelect("//SPAN[@hideFocus='0']/INPUT[@hideFocus='0']", CHECKBOX_CHECKED); // get the value of the checked property and print it BrowserGetProperty("//SPAN[@hideFocus='0']/INPUT[@hideFocus='0']", "checked", propertyValue); print(string(propertyValue)); //verify that the property value is true BrowserVerifyProperty("//SPAN[@hideFocus='0']/INPUT[@hideFocus='0']", "checked", true, VERIFY_EQUAL | VERIFY_CASE_SENSITIVE, SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL); end TMain;