This functions allows to add an unique HTTP header tag to every web request of a load test. This can be used to correlate
timing or accuracy problems during a load test with results of in-depth analysis tools.
WebSetHttpTag( in sHeader : string,
in nFlags : number );
Specify any valid HTTP header (name of the tag header).
Specify any combination of the following values:
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_ProjectName
- HTTP header contains the name of the load test: TE=<LoadTestName>
- HTTP header contains the name of the used
Silk Performer project:TE=<ProjectName>
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_ScriptName
- HTTP header contains the name of the script: SN=<LoadTestName>
- HTTP header identifies source as: SID=<SilkPerformerVersioned>
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_UserGroup
- HTTP header contains the name of the
Silk Performer user-group to which the virtual user sending the request belongs: UG=<UserGroup>
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_Profile
- HTTP header contains the name of the
Silk Performer profile which the virtual user sending the request uses: PF=<Profile>
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_Workload
- HTTP header contains the name of the
Silk Performer workload which the virtual user sending the request uses: WL=<Workload>
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_Transaction
- HTTP header contains the name of the
Silk Performer transaction which the virtual user sending the request is currently executing: TN=<Transaction>
- HTTP header contains a unique user id (cross loadtest): VU=<Id>
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_BrowserSession
- HTTP header contains a browser session id. This session id is incremented when the virtual user logically opens a browser:
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_PageContext
- HTTP header contains a information about what document in the currently processed page is loaded. If it is a named frame then
the value starts with the frame name. After a dot the page-unique document number is appended. Note that if embedded documents
get cached this number need not be progresional: PC=<FrameName>.<DocId>
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_RequestId
- HTTP header contains a user-unique request id: ID=<RequestId>
- If the current request gets issued in a page context (page-level API) the HTTP header contains the specified timer name (if
omitted the name is empty): NA=<TimerName>
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_WorkloadType
- HTTP header contains the
Silk Performer workload type: WT=<WorkloadType>
- Possible workload types:
- 0: SteadyState
- 1: Increasing
- 2: Dynamic
- 3: Queuing
- 4: Monitoring
- 5: AllDay
- 6: Verify
- 7: SingleUser
- HTTP header contains the name of the used
Silk Performer agent: AN=<AgentName>
- WEB_TAG_FLAG_LineNumber
- HTTP header contains the line number of the currently executed
Silk Performer function: LN=<LineNumber>
- HTTP header contains the current controller time in the format of seconds since 1970: TI=<ElapsedSeconds>
transaction TInit
WEB_TAG_FLAG_RequestId |
WEB_TAG_FLAG_ProjectName |
WEB_TAG_FLAG_UserGroup |
WEB_TAG_FLAG_Profile |
end TInit;