OraFormsOnMessageGet Function


OraFormsOnMessageGet allows you to define properties that can be queried by the server. The Oracle Forms Server sometimes queries controls for their internal property values. You can use OraFormsSet{Type} methods to define several property values that will be assigned to a control in the following OraFormsOnMessageGet and will be returned to the server if there is a request message.

Include file



OraFormsOnMessageGet( in sName : string ) : boolean;

Return value

  • true if successful
  • false otherwise
Parameter Description
sName The unique name or ID of the control/component that may be queried by the server.


transaction TMain 
    sValue :  string; 
    nFetched :  number; 
    // Connect - with connection properties 
    OraFormsSetInt( "INITIAL_VERSION", 608); 
    OraFormsSetPoint( "INITIAL_RESOLUTION", 96,  96); 
    OraFormsSetPoint( "INITIAL_DISP_SIZE", 1024,  768); 
    OraFormsSetInt( "INITIAL_COLOR_DEPTH", 256); 
    OraFormsSetString( "FONT_NAME" , "Dialog" ); 
    OraFormsSetPoint( "INITIAL_SCALE_INFO", 8,  18); 
    OraFormsSetBoolean( "WINSYS_REQUIREDVA_LIST",  false); 
    OraFormsConnect( "server module=Person3.fmx userid= useSDI=yes record=names"); 
    // New window activated: Logon 
    OraFormsSetWindow( "Logon"); 
    OraFormsLogon( "user",  "password",  "orcl_server"); 
    OraFormsSetRectangle("VISIBLERECT", 0, 0, 119, 24, ORA_SET_TYPE_MESSAGEGET);
    OraFormsOnMessageGet("LINE_CUSTOMER_ITEM_DSP_0"); // Requested Item  
    OraFormsMouseClick("LINE_CUSTOMER_ITEM_DSP_0", 70, 18, 0); // Requested Item
  end  TMain;