Steps through all attributes of an entry returned by a previous call to WebLdapNextEntry.
WebLdapNextValue( in hLDAP : number, out sName : string, in nMaxLen : number optional, out nLen : number optional, out bBinary : boolean optional): boolean
true if there was at least one value left to receive from the attribute
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
hLDAP | Handle to a Web connection that was created by WebLdapConnect. |
sName | This variable will receive the content of the next value. |
nMaxLen | Specifies the maximum length of the value content (optional). |
nLen | Variable receiving the actual size of the value content (optional). |
bBinary | Variable receiving an indicator whether the sName variable contains binary data (optional). |
dclfunc function TWebLdapPrintSearchResults(hLdap: number) var sName : string(500); nEntries : number; begin nEntries := 0; while WebLdapNextEntry(hLdap, sName, STRING_COMPLETE, false) do nEntries := nEntries + 1; write("entry: "); write(sName); writeln; while WebLdapNextAttribute(hLdap, sName) do write(" attrib: "); write(sName); writeln; while WebLdapNextValue(hLdap, sName) do write(" value: "); write(sName); writeln; end; end; end; if(nEntries = 0) then write("No entries found"); writeln; end; writeln; end TWebLdapPrintSearchResults;