Control Functions
SapGuiWindowAction Function
Performs certain actions on the active window.
SapGuiWindowResize Function
Resizes the active window.
SapGuiSetActiveWindow Function
Sets the active window for the virtual users.
SapGuiCalendarFirstVisibleDate Function
Scrolls to a date in the calendar and makes it visible.
SapGuiCalendarFocusDate Function
Sets the focus to a specified date.
SapGuiCalendarSelectInterval Function
Selects a date or a range of dates inside a calendar control.
SapGuiGetComboBoxEntry Function
Retrieves the selected value of a combobox.
SapGuiContextMenuSelectItem Function
Selects the specified cell in a SapGui grid control.
SapGuiContextMenuSelectItemByText Function
Selects an item in a context menu.
SapGuiContextMenuSelectItemByPosition Function
Selects an item in a context menu.
SapGuiGridDblClickCurrentCell Function
Performs a double-click on the currently activated cell.
SapGuiTreeExpandNode Function
Expands a specified node of a specified tree control.
SapGuiGetActiveWindowTitle Function
Retrieves the title of the active window.
SapGuiGetCalendarFocusDate Function
Retrieves the focused date of a calendar control.
SapGuiGridClick Function
Clicks a cell of the grid control.
SapGuiGridClickCurrentCell Function
Performs a simple click on the currently activated cell.
SapGuiGridContextMenu Function
Opens a context menu for the currently selected cell.
SapGuiGridCurrentCellPressButton Function
Emulates a button click in the currently selected cell of a grid.
SapGuiGridCurrentCellPressTotalRow Function
Presses the total row button for the currently selected cell.
SapGuiGridDblClick Function
Emulates a double-click in a cell of the grid.
SapGuiGridGetColumnTitles Function
Returns a collection of strings that are used to display the title of a column.
SapGuiGridModifyCheckbox Function
Checks a check box in a grid control.
SapGuiGridPressButton Function
Clicks a button in a grid.
SapGuiGridPressColumnHeader Function
Emulates a click on a column header of a grid.
SapGuiGridPressToolbarButton Function
Emulates a click on a grid toolbar button.
SapGuiGridPressToolbarContextButton Function
Emulates a virtual user opening a list of options by clicking on a context button.
SapGuiGridPressTotalRow Function
Presses the total row button in a grid.
SapGuiGridScrollToRow Function
Scrolls to the specified row of the SapGui grid control.
SapGuiGridSelectCell Function
Selects the specified cell in a SapGui grid control.
SapGuiGridSelectContextMenu Function
Selects an option from a context menu in a grid.
SapGuiGridSelectToolbarMenu Function
Selects an option from a grid toolbar menu.
SapGuiGridSetCellData Function
Writes data to the specified cell of a grid control.
SapGuiGridSetColumnWidth Function
Sets the column width in a SapGui grid control to a specified value.
SapGuiIgnoreError Function
Ignores SapGui errors.
SapGuiPressButton Function
Performs a click on the specified SapGui button control.
SapGuiPressToolbarButton Function
Presses a toolbar button.
SapGuiPressToolbarContextButton Function
Presses the toolbar context button.
SapGuiSelectComboBoxEntry Function
Selects an item in a SapGui combobox.
SapGuiSelectMenu Function
Selects a menu from the SapGui menu bar.
SapGuiSelectRadioButton Function
Selects the specifed SapGui radio button.
SapGuiSelectTab Function
Activates the specified tab sheet inside a SapGui tab control.
SapGuiSelectToolbarMenuItem Function
Selects a toolbar menu item.
SapGuiSelectToolbarMenuItemByText Function
Selects a toolbar menu item using the text of the item.
SapGuiSelectTopNode Function
Scrolls to a specified node in the SapGui tree control.
SapGuiSendVKey Function
Sends a keyboard input event to the active window.
SapGuiSetCheckbox Function
Checks or unchecks the specified SapGui check box.
SapGuiSetFileName Function
Sets a file name that will be used to replace the next file selection using the Windows function
SapGuiSetFocus Function
Sets the focus to the specified control.
SapGuiSetOKCode Function
Sets the text for a SapGui
text field.
SapGuiSetText Function
Enters text into a SapGui text field.
SapGuiTableGetRadioValue Function
Checks whether a table cell's radio button is selected.
SapGuiTableGetRows Function
Returns a collection of table rows for the specified table.
SapGuiTableGetRowSelected Function
Returns the index of the current cell's row.
SapGuiTableGetRowCount Function
Returns the number of rows for the specified table.
SapGuiTableGetText Function
Returns the text of a specified table's cell.
SapGuiTableGetColumns Function
Returns the collection of columns for the specified table.
SapGuiTableGetColumnCount Function
Returns the number of columns for the specified table.
SapGuiTableIsCheckboxChecked Function
Returns whether a check box in a table cell is checked.
SapGuiTablePressButton Function
Presses a cell's button.
SapGuiTableSelectComboboxEntry Function
Selects an entry from a cell's combobox.
SapGuiTableSelectRadioButton Function
Select a cell's radio button.
SapGuiTableSelectRow Function
Selects one row of a table.
SapGuiTableSetCheckbox Function
Checks a cell's check box.
SapGuiTableSetFocusCell Function
Sets the focus to a cell in a SapGui table control.
SapGuiTableSetText Function
Sets text at the specified position in a SapGui table control.
SapGuiTreeChangeCheckbox Function
Checks or unchecks a tree item's check box.
SapGuiTreeClickLink Function
Clicks a tree's hyperlink.
SapGuiTreeCollapseNode Function
Collapses a specified node of a specified tree control.
SapGuiTreeDblClickItem Function
Performs a double click on the specified tree item.
SapGuiTreeDblClickNode Function
Performs a double click on the specified node inside a SapGui tree control.
SapGuiTreeDefaultContextMenu Function
Opens the default context menu for the tree.
SapGuiTreeGetColumnCol Function
Returns the keys of all the items in the given column.
SapGuiTreeGetColumnHeaders Function
Returns a collection of column headers for the specified tree.
SapGuiTreeGetColumnNames Function
Returns a collection of column names for the specified tree.
SapGuiTreeGetItemText Function
Returns the text of a tree item.
SapGuiTreeGetNodeChildrenCountByPath Function
Returns the number of children of the node given by the path parameter.
SapGuiTreeGetNodeKeyByPath Function
Returns the key of the node specified by the given path description.
SapGuiTreeGetNodesCol Function
Returns the node keys of all the nodes in the tree.
SapGuiTreeGetNodeText Function
Returns the text of a specified node of a SapGui tree control.
SapGuiTreeGetNodeTextByPath Function
Returns the text of a node defined by the given path.
SapGuiTreeGetParent Function
Returns the key of the parent node of the specified node in a SapGui tree control.
SapGuiTreeGetSubNodesCol Function
Returns the keys of all subnodes of the node specified by the given key.
SapGuiTreeHeaderContextMenu Function
Opens a context menu for a tree header.
SapGuiTreeItemContextMenu Function
Opens a context menu for a tree item.
SapGuiTreeNodeContextMenu Function
Opens a context menu for the specified tree node.
SapGuiTreePressButton Function
Clicks a button in a SapGui tree.
SapGuiTreePressHeader Function
Performs a click on the column header.
SapGuiTreePressKey Function
Presses a keyboard key.
SapGuiTreeSelectColumn Function
Selects a tree column.
SapGuiTreeSelectItem Function
Selects an item from a SapGui tree control.
SapGuiTreeSelectNode Function
Selects the specified node inside a SapGui tree control.
SapGuiTreeSetColumnWidth Function
Sets the tree column width.
SapGuiTreeSetHierarchyWidth Function
Sets the tree hierarchy width.
SapGuiTreeUnselectAll Function
Cancels all selections in the tree.
SapGuiTreeUnselectColumn Function
Unselects a tree column.
SapGuiTreeUnselectNode Function
Unselects a tree node.
Parent topic:
SAP Functions