Create a sophisticated combination of simple queries to monitor data for your environment.
Open the JMX Data Source Browser.
Click the
Advanced Query tab.
Available query types are listed in the upper window.
For example, you might see
Object Name Query.
Select one of the available operators for the query from the list box of the query.
For example, you might select the
OR operator.
Select a value for the operator from the subsequent list box.
For example, you might select
[...] appears, enabling you to open the JMX Object Name Query dialog box and browse through a domain list.
[...] and select the appropriate domain name from the domain list.
For example, you might select
Continue adding elements until your query is complete.
For example, you might add
*:J2EEServer =local.
Click the root element of the
Query menu tree.
Type a description of the query in the lower pane of the
Advanced Query page.
All MBeans that meet the query's criteria are displayed.
This step allows you to specify a target destination and name for the query. The file extension for JMX Data Queries is
Note: Queries that are saved to the
C:\Program Files\Silk\Silk Performer20.5\include\jmx-config directory are also listed on the
Easy JMX page and can be run directly from there.