WebUrlPostBin Function


Posts binary data to the Web server by means of the HTTP POST method. Instead of ASCII-encoded content, binary data may be sent using this post function. The Content-Length header will automatically be added to the request. The appropriate Content-Type has to be specified. In order to send binary data (octets) more safely over the Internet, use the WebBase64Encode to convert the data to 6-bit ASCII characters.

Include file



WebUrlPostBin( in sUrl         : string,
               in sData        : string,
               in nDataLen     : number,
               in sContentType : string,
               in fWait        : float optional ): boolean;

Return value

  • true if the worker thread posting the form content to the server could be started successfully

  • false otherwise

Parameter Description
sUrl Complete URL to the file on the server
sData Data to post to the server. This may be binary data. For posting all available binary data specify STRING_COMPLETE for nDataLength and use the bin() operator for sData (see example).
nDataLen Length in bytes of data contained in the buffer sData. Specify STRING_COMPLETE or omit this parameter to post all available data
sContentType Content type string used in the request, for example, "image/gif"
fWait Minimum time or minimum mean time that this function call has to last (optional). Default value is 0.0


  transaction TWebFormPostBin
    sBase64Encoded : string;
    nLen           : number;
    sData          : string;
    WebBase64Encode(sBase64Encoded, sizeof(sBase64Encoded), nLen,
      "name=Harry Smith&address=Elkenney Str. 26"
      "&phone=+43223344", 57);
    WebUrlPostBin("http://standardhost/data2html.asp", sBase64Encoded,
      STRING_COMPLETE, "text/html");
      bin(sData), STRING_COMPLETE, "application/octet-stream");
  end TWebFormPostBin;

Sample scripts

WebFileUpload01.bdf, WebForms02.bdf, WebPost01.bdf