Native TUXEDO ATMI Functions

The following Silk Performer functions are identical to the TUXEDO ATMI functions of the same name without the Tux_ prefix.

Include file


Function Description
Tux_gettperrno Retrieves the error code when a TUXEDO System function call returns a failure value.
Tux_tpstrerror Retrieves the text of an error message when a TUXEDO System function call returns a failure value.
Tux_gettpurcode Retrieves the user return code after a TUXEDO System function call.
Tux_tpbegin Defines the begin of a transaction. In the TUXEDO System, a transaction is used to define a single logical unit of work.
Tux_tpcancel Cancels a call descriptor returned by the Tux_tpacall function.
Tux_tpscmt Sets the characteristic which affects the way the Tux_tpcommit function behaves with respect to returning control to its caller.
Tux_tpabort Signifies the abnormal end of a transaction. When this function call returns, all changes made to resources during the transaction are undone.
Tux_tpcommit Signifies the end of a transaction, using a two-phase commit protocol to coordinate participants. This function can be called only by the initiator of a transaction.
Tux_tpgetrply Returns a reply from a previously sent request. By default, this function waits until the reply matching call descriptor arrives or a timeout occurs.
Tux_tpsuspend Suspends the transaction active in the caller's process. A transaction begun with the Tux_tpbegin function may be suspended with the Tux_tpsuspend function.
Tux_tpresume Resumes work on behalf of a previously suspended transaction. Once the caller resumes work on a transaction, it must either suspend it or complete it at a later time.
Tux_tpgetlev Returns to the caller the current transaction level.
Tux_tx_begin Places the calling thread of control in transaction mode. The calling thread must first ensure that its linked resource managers have been opened before it can start transactions
Tux_tx_close Closes a set of resource managers in a portable manner. It invokes a transaction manager to read resource-manager-specific information in a transaction-manager-specific manner and pass this information to the resource managers linked to the caller.
Tux_tx_commit Commits the work of the transaction active in the caller's thread of control.
Tux_tx_info Returns global transaction information. In addition, this function returns a value indicating whether the caller is currently in transaction mode.
Tux_tx_open Opens a set of resource managers in a portable manner. It invokes a transaction manager to read resource-manager-specific information in a transaction-manager-specific manner and pass this information to the resource managers linked to the caller.
Tux_tx_rollback Rolls back the work of the transaction active in the caller's thread of control.
Tux_tx_set_commit_return Sets the characteristic which affects the way the Tux_tx_commit function behaves with respect to returning control to its caller.
Tux_tx_set_transaction_control Sets the characteristic which determines whether the Tux_tx_commit and the Tux_tx_rollback function start a new transaction before returning to their caller.
Tux_tx_set_transaction_timeout Sets the characteristic which specifies the time period in which the transaction must complete before becoming susceptible to transaction timeout.
Tux_tpcall Sends a request and synchronously awaits its reply. A call to this function is the same as calling the Tux_tpacall function immediately followed by the Tux_tpgetrply function.
Tux_tpacall Sends a request message to a specified service. The request is sent out at the priority defined unless overridden by a previous call to the Tux_tpsprio function.
Tux_tpalloc Returns a pointer to a buffer of a specified type. The TUXEDO System provides a variety of typed buffers, and applications are free to add their own buffer types.
Tux_tprealloc Changes the size of a buffer to a specified number of bytes and returns a pointer to the new buffer.
Tux_tpfree Releases a buffer previously obtained by either the Tux_tpalloc function or the Tux_tprealloc function.
Tux_tpinit Allows a client to join a TUXEDO System application. Before a client can use any of the TUXEDO System communication or transaction routines, it must first join a TUXEDO System application.
Tux_tpterm Removes a client from a TUXEDO System application. If the client is in transaction mode, then the transaction is rolled back.
Tux_tpconnect Allows a program to set up a half-duplex connection to a conversational service. The name must be one of the conversational service names posted by a conversational server.
Tux_tpdiscon Tears down a specified connection immediately.
Tux_tpsend Sends data across an open connection to another program. The caller must have control of the connection.
Tux_tprecv Receives data sent across an open connection from another program.
Tux_tpenqueue Stores a message on a specified queue in a queue space. A queue space is a collection of queues, one of which must be the specified queue.
Tux_tpdequeue Dequeues a message for processing from a specified queue in a queue space.
Tux_tpnotify Allows a client or server to send an unsolicited message to an individual client
Tux_tpbroadcast Allows a client or server to send unsolicited messages to registered clients within the system.
Tux_tpsubscribe Subscribes the caller to a specified event or a set of events. Subscriptions are maintained by the TUXEDO System Event Broker, and are used to notify subscribers when events are posted.
Tux_tpunsubscribe Removes an event subscription or a set of event subscriptions from the TUXEDO System Event Broker's list of active subscriptions.
Tux_tpchkauth Checks if authentication is required by the application configuration.
Tux_tpsprio Sets the priority for the next request sent or forwarded. The priority set affects only the next request sent.
Tux_tpgprio Returns the priority for the last request sent or received.
Tux_tpconvert Converts the string representation of interface structures to or from the binary representation.
Tux_tptypes Returns the type and subtype of a specified buffer.
Tux_tuxgetenv Searches the environment list for a specified string and, if the string is present, returns a pointer to the value in the current environment.
Tux_tuxputenv Sets the value of a specified environment variable by altering an existing variable or creating a new one.
Tux_tuxreadenv Reads a file containing environment variables and adds them to the environment, independent of platform.

Refer to the TUXEDO Reference Manual for detailed information, including syntax, parameter and return value descriptions for each function.