Returns the number of rows affected by the most recent SQL command if the SQL command executed with the cursor is an UPDATE, a DELETE or an INSERT command.
rows( in cCursor : cursor ):number;
Number of rows affected by the most recent SQL command.
If the most recent SQL command executed with the cursor ident is a SELECT command, it returns the number of rows actually fetched by fetch-next or fetch-all statements associated with the SELECT command.
This function does not return the number of rows in a result set unless the rows have previously been fetched.
Parameter | Description |
cCursor | Cursor with which the SQL command is associated |
var v_artno, v_stock, v_quantity: number; dcltrans transaction TMain begin c1: SelArticle(); fetch c1 all; write("number of articles found: "); write(rows(c1)); end TMain; dclsql SelArticle: SELECT stock,quantity INTO :v_stock, :v_quantity FROM article WHERE articlenumber = :v_artno;