XmlGetNodeTypedValue Function


Returns the typed value of a node. A Typed value is the text representation of all sub text node values of the passed node. If the node has only a text value - this will be the returned string. If the node has several child nodes, the returned string will be the concatenated string of the text value of the child nodes.

Include file



XmlGetNodeTypedValue( in    hNode        : number,
                      inout sValue       : string,
                      in    nMaxValueLen : number optional ): boolean;

Return value

  • true if successful

  • false otherwise

Parameter Description
hNode Handle to an XML node
sValue String variable that receives the typed value of the node
nMaxValueLen Maximum length of the string to return (optional). If this parameter is omitted or set to STRING_COMPLETE all available data is stored in sValue.


  transaction TMain
    hDocument, hResult : number;
    sValue             : string;
    hDocument := XmlCreateDocumentFromXml( "<root><child1 attr1='avalue1'>childvalue1</child1>"
               "<child2 attr1= 'avalue2'>childvalue2</child2></root>");
    hResult := XmlSelectSingleNode(hDocument, "/root");
    XmlGetNodeTypedValue(hResult, sValue);
  end TMain;