The following sample uses the new MAPI API to:
Logon to a MAPI Session
Read all messages in the Inbox
Delete the first message in the Inbox
Change the subject of the first message in the Inbox
Sends a new Message
benchmark BenchmarkName use "kernel.bdh" use "mapi.bdh" var ghSession : number init 0; // Workload Section dcluser user VirtUser transactions TInit : begin; TGetMsgs : 1; TSendMsg : 1; TSendMsgEx : 1; TDeleteMsg : 1; TChangeMsg : 1; TEnd : end; // Transactions Section dcltrans transaction TInit begin MapiInit(); ghSession := MapiLogon("Outlook", null); if(ghSession = 0) then halt; end; end TInit; transaction TGetMsgs var hMsg, nRecipCount, nAttachCount, i : number; sLastMsgId, sNextMsgId : string; sValue : string; begin sLastMsgId := ""; // Iterate through all Mails and retrieve mail properties while(MapiGetNextMsgId(ghSession, sLastMsgId, sNextMsgId)) do hMsg := MapiGetMessage(ghSession, true, false, false, false, sNextMsgId); MapiGetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_MSGTYPE, sValue); writeln("MsgType: " + sValue); MapiGetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_SUBJECT, sValue); writeln("Subject: " + sValue); MapiGetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_DATERECEIVED, sValue); writeln("Date: " + sValue); MapiGetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_SENDER_NAME, sValue); writeln("Send-Name: " + sValue); MapiGetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_SENDER_ADDRESS, sValue); writeln("Sender-Address: " + sValue); // Iterate through all Recipients if(MapiGetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT, sValue)) then nRecipCount := number(sValue); writeln("RecipientCount: " + sValue); for i:=0 to nRecipCount-1 do MapiGetMessageRecipient(hMsg, i, true, sValue); writeln("Recipient-Name: " + sValue); MapiGetMessageRecipient(hMsg, i, false, sValue); writeln("Recipient-Address: " + sValue); end; end; // Iterate through all Attachments if(MapiGetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_ATTACH_COUNT, sValue)) then nAttachCount := number(sValue); writeln("AttachCount: " + sValue); for i:=0 to nAttachCount-1 do MapiGetMessageAttachment(hMsg, i, true, sValue); writeln("Attach-File: " + sValue); MapiGetMessageAttachment(hMsg, i, false, sValue); writeln("Attach-Path: " + sValue); end; end; writeln("---------------------------------------------------"); // Free the message MapiFreeMessage(hMsg); sLastMsgId := sNextMsgId; end; end TGetMsgs; transaction TSendMsg begin // Send a new message MapiSendMessage( ghSession, "TestSubject", "Test Message Text" , "", "SenderName", "sender@sendersdomain", "RecipientName", "recipient@recipientdomain"); end TSendMsg; transaction TSendMsgEx var hMsg : number; begin // Create a new message hMsg := MapiCreateMessage( "TestSubject", "Test Message Text", "", "SenderName", "sender@sendersdomain", "RecipientName", "recipient@recipientdomain"); if(hMsg = 0) then halt; end; // Add a 2nd Recipient MapiSetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT, "2"); MapiSetMessageRecipient(hMsg, 1, "2nd Recipient", "", MAPI_MSG_RECIPTYPE_CC); // Add an attachment MapiSetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_ATTACH_COUNT, "1"); MapiSetMessageAttachment(hMsg, 0, "test.txt", "c:\\temp\\test.txt"); // Send the message MapiSendMessageEx(ghSession, hMsg); // Free the message MapiFreeMessage(hMsg); end TSendMsgEx; transaction TDeleteMsg var sMsgId : string; hMsg : number; begin // delete the first message if MapiGetNextMsgId(ghSession, "", sMsgId) then MapiDeleteMessage(ghSession, sMsgId); end; end TDeleteMsg; transaction TChangeMsg var sMsgId, sSubject : string; hMsg : number; begin // retrieve the first message and change the message subject if MapiGetNextMsgId(ghSession, "", sMsgId) then hMsg := MapiGetMessage(ghSession, true, false, true, true, sMsgId); if(hMsg <> 0) then // get the subject - add the value 'Modified' and set the new value MapiGetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_SUBJECT, sSubject); sSubject := sSubject + " Modified"; MapiSetMessageProperty(hMsg, MAPI_PROP_MSG_SUBJECT, sSubject); // Save the changes MapiSaveMessage(ghSession, hMsg, sMsgId); // Free Message MapiFreeMessage(hMsg); end; end; end TChangeMsg; transaction TEnd begin // Logoff MapiLogoff(ghSession); MapiExit(); end TEnd;