Buffer Manipulating Functions
TuxFML2View Function
Copies the content of a fielded buffer (FML, FML32) to a view buffer.
TuxView2FML Function
Copies to content of a view buffer to a fielded buffer (FML, FML32).
TuxSetFloat Function
Sets the value of a specified floating-point field within a typed buffer.
TuxGetFloat Function
Retrieves the value of a specified floating-point field within a typed buffer.
TuxSetString Function
Sets the content of a specified string field within a typed buffer.
TuxGetString Function
Retrieves the content of a specified string field within a typed buffer.
TuxSetCArray Function
Sets the content of a specified binary data field within a typed buffer.
TuxGetCArray Function
Retrieves the content of a specified binary data field within a typed buffer.
TuxSetInt Function
Sets the value of a specified integer field within a typed buffer.
TuxGetInt Function
Retrieves the value of a specified integer field within a typed buffer.
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TUXEDO Functions Reference