
All names listed in the table below are reserved Benchmark Description Language keywords. They must not be used as identifiers in any context of a Silk Performer test script.
all allownull and array
begin benchmark bin boolean
callback char chr commit
const cursor dclform dclfunc
dclparam dclrand dclsql dcltrans
dcluser dll do double
dstring else elseif end
eos exit explicit false
fetch float for form
function halt handler if
in init inout into
last lenspec long loop
mod next not number
of optional or ord
out proc ptr rc
Reset result return RndBin
RndExpF RndExpN RndFile RndInd
RndPerN RndSno RndStr RndStream
RndUniF RndUniI RndUniN rollback
row rows set short
sizeof sizespec sql stored
string then throw to
transaction transactions true unicode
union unique unsigned use
user var wait while
write writeln @codepage @deprecated