Executes the compiled regular expression on the string argument.
StrRegexExecute( in hRegex : number, inout sSource : string ): boolean;
true if a match of the regular expression in the string sSource could be found.
false on errors or if no match could be found. Use GetLastError and GetErrorMsg to query for more information.
Parameter | Description |
hRegex | Valid handle to a compiled regular expression. This handle must have been generated with a previous call to StrRegexCompile. |
sSource | String to be matched by the regular expression |
dcltrans transaction TMain var hRegex : number; sRegex, sSource, sTarget : string; match : boolean; begin sSource := "SessionIDTest.asp?SessionID=SID8:44:43&" "Param2=Value2"; sRegex := "SessionID=\(SID[0-9:]+\)"; write("source = "+sSource); writeln; write("regex = "+sRegex); writeln; StrRegexCompile(hRegex, sRegex); match := StrRegexExecute(hRegex, sSource); if match then StrRegexSubst(hRegex, "\1", sTarget, STRING_COMPLETE); write("match: "+sTarget); writeln; else write("no match"); writeln; end; StrRegexClose(hRegex); end TMain;
source = SessionIDTest.asp? SessionID=SID8:44:43&Param2=Value2 regex = SessionID=\(SID[0-9:]+\) match: SID8:44:43