Sets the password for NTLM/Kerberos proxy authentication. In contrary to the WebSetProxyAuth function it does not change the credentials for basic proxy authentication.
WebSetProxyAuthNtlm( in sUsername : string, in sPassword : string ): boolean;
true if successful
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
sUsername | User name for proxy authentication. If you have to specify a domain use the notation: "domain\\user". |
sPassword | Password for proxy authentication. |
To reset the username and password to the default (logged on user), call WebSetProxyAuthNTLM("","");
dcltrans transaction TWebInit begin // Set up proxy connection using the WebSetting commands WebSetProxy(WEB_PROXY_HTTP, "lab1", 80); WebSetProxyBypass(FALSE, NULL); // Set password used for authentication WebSetProxyAuthNtlm("testlab\\admin", "pass"); WebSetProxyAuthNtlm("", ""); end TWebInit;