Parameters in External Functions

Any type of parameter can be passed to external functions. While using simple data types is easy, handling arrays and structured data types requires knowledge about the alignment and size of the specific data types in use.

Simple data types allowed as input and output parameters are:
Table 1. Simple data types
C Data Type BDL Data Type
Char, unsigned char Number
Short, unsigned short Number
Long Number
Double Float
Float Float
Char* String
Note: The unsigned long data type is converted to long when used in Silk Performer scripts.

When a parameter is passed to a function by value, it is declared simply by specifying its type. If a parameter is passed by reference (for example, if it is used as an output parameter), a pointer to the data type must be defined.

The example below illustrates how function parameters are declared in C and how corresponding external functions must be declared in BDL. In addition, an example of an external function call is provided.

C Source Code

In this example, the external function T_PARAM receives the following input parameters: inChar, inShort, inLong, inDouble, inFloat, inUShort, and inUChar. A corresponding output parameter belongs to each: outChar, outShort, outLong, outDouble, outFloat, outUShort, and outUChar. These parameters must be declared as pointers because during function calls references to the variables are passed to the functions. Additionally, a string called inoutString is declared as an input and output parameter.

char* T_PARAM( char            inChar,      // in
               short           inShort,
               long            inLong,
               double          inDouble,
               float           inFloat,
               unsigned short  inUShort,
               unsigned char   inUChar,
               char*           inoutString, // in/out
               char*           outChar,     // out
               short*          outShort,
               long*           outLong,
               double*         outDouble,
               float*          outFloat,
               unsigned short* outUShort,
               unsigned char*  outUChar )
  char sBuffer[1000];
  // copy the values of the input parameters to the
  // output parameters and the return value
  return sBuffer;

BDL External Function Declarations

To use the above-defined T_PARAM function in BDL, the function must be declared in the external functions section of a Silk Performer script. This is illustrated in the example below. In this case, the parameters are defined as formal data types. The comments attached to each parameter indicate the corresponding BDL data type.

"T_PARAM" function t_param(
  in char,                         // in number
  in short,                        // in number
  in long,                         // in number
  in double,                       // in float
  in float,                        // in float
  in unsigned short,               // in number
  in unsigned char,                // in number
  inout string,                    // inout string
  out char,                        // out number
  out short,                       // out number
  out long,                        // out number
  out double,                      // out float
  out float,                       // out float
  out unsigned short,              // out number
  out unsigned char): string(100); // out number

BDL External Function Calls

The following example illustrates how to call the T_PARAM function. In this example, random values are assigned to the variables and passed to the function as input parameters.

  transaction TMain
    n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10 : number;
    f1, f2, f3, f4                          : float;
    s1, sRet                                : string;
    n1   := 127; n2 := 32000; n3 := 2000000;
    n4   := 64000; n5 := 255;
    f1   := 12345.12345; f2 := 12.99;
    s1   := "Teststring";
    sRet := t_param(n1, n2, n3, f1, f2, n4, n5, s1,
                    n6, n7, n8, f3, f4, n9, n10);
  end TMain;