Below are some examples of functions used for accessing the data in grid and table controls.
SapGuiGridGetColumnCount("CTRLID", iColCount); SapGuiGridGetRowCount("CTRLID ", iRowCount); for rowix:=0 to iRowCount-1 do for colix:=1 to iColCount do SapGuiGridGetColumnName("CTRLID ", colix, colName); SapGuiGridGetCellData("CTRLID ", rowix, colix, cellValue); end; end;
Row indices are 0-based. Therefore, you iterate from rowix 0 to row count -1.
SapGuiTableGetColumnCount("CTRLID", iColCount); SapGuiTableGetRowCount("CTRLID ", iRowCount); for rowix:=0 to iRowCount do for colix:=1 to iColCount do cellValue := SapGuiTableGetText("CTRLID ", rowix, colix); end; end;