Checkpoint Function


To monitor the progress and success of a single user during a load test in a more precise manner than viewing the full output of the virtual user, checkpoints are used to divide transactions into user-defined sections. Checkpoint messages are visible in the output window during Try Scripts, and during load tests when the output of a single virtual user is enabled. The output of checkpoint messages can be enabled and disabled via the Checkpoint button on the monitor toolbar.

You can specify a message that the checkpoint displays in the output window. Additionally, you can set a timer for a checkpoint, which measures the time between the preceding checkpoint and the call of the checkpoint function. The first checkpoint in a transaction measures the time between the beginning of the transaction and the call of the checkpoint function. If an error, warning, or success message occurs between the preceding checkpoint and the call of the checkpoint function, the checkpoint message icon highlights the highest severity of all messages raised during the interval (error > warning > success).
Important: Checkpoint names must be unique across load tests.

Include file



      sCheckpointName : in string,
      sMessage : in string optional,
      bUseTimer : in boolean optional) : boolean;
Parameter Description
sCheckpointName The name of the checkpoint. Must be unique across the entire load test.
sMessage An additional message that is displayed in the output window and the log file.
bUseTimer If true, a timer with the checkpoint's name is created. The timer measures the time between the preceding checkpoint and the call of the checkpoint function. The first checkpoint in a transaction measures the time between the beginning of the transaction and the call of the checkpoint function.

Return value

  • true if successful
  • false otherwise


benchmark BenchmarkName
use "kernel.bdh"
use "webapi.bdh"
    TMain       : 1;
  transaction TMain
    Checkpoint("checkpoint1s", "Hello World!", true);
    PrintData("hello", "the data");
    PrintFunction("func", "info");
    RaiseError(CUSTOM_ERROR, "This is a warning!", SEVERITY_WARNING);
    Checkpoint("checkpoint2w", "2", true);
    RaiseError(CUSTOM_ERROR, "This is an error!", SEVERITY_ERROR);
    Checkpoint("checkpoint3e", "this line should be displayed in red", true);
    Checkpoint("checkpoint4s", "");

  end TMain;