To monitor the progress and success of a single user during a load test in a more precise manner than viewing the full output of the virtual user, checkpoints are used to divide transactions into user-defined sections. Checkpoint messages are visible in the output window during Try Scripts, and during load tests when the output of a single virtual user is enabled. The output of checkpoint messages can be enabled and disabled via the Checkpoint button on the monitor toolbar.
Checkpoint( sCheckpointName : in string, sMessage : in string optional, bUseTimer : in boolean optional) : boolean;
Parameter | Description |
sCheckpointName | The name of the checkpoint. Must be unique across the entire load test. |
sMessage | An additional message that is displayed in the output window and the log file. |
bUseTimer | If true, a timer with the checkpoint's name is created. The timer measures the time between the preceding checkpoint and the call of the checkpoint function. The first checkpoint in a transaction measures the time between the beginning of the transaction and the call of the checkpoint function. |
benchmark BenchmarkName use "kernel.bdh" use "webapi.bdh" dcluser user VirtUser transactions TMain : 1; dcltrans transaction TMain begin Checkpoint("checkpoint1s", "Hello World!", true); PrintData("hello", "the data"); PrintFunction("func", "info"); RaiseError(CUSTOM_ERROR, "This is a warning!", SEVERITY_WARNING); ThinkTime(2.0); MeasureStart("commonMeasure"); Wait(0.5); MeasureStop("commonMeasure"); Checkpoint("checkpoint2w", "2", true); ThinkTime(3.0); RaiseError(CUSTOM_ERROR, "This is an error!", SEVERITY_ERROR); Checkpoint("checkpoint3e", "this line should be displayed in red", true); ThinkTime(0.5); Checkpoint("checkpoint4s", ""); end TMain;