Sets the header and the properties for the current message.
JmsSetMessageProperty( sKey : string, sValue : string, iType : number optional );
Parameter | Description |
sKey | The name of the property. Can be a string or one of the following values:
sValue | The value of the property |
iType | (Optional) The type of the property. Default is String |
transaction TExampleUsingSelector var sMessage : string; sMessageId : string; sMessageSelector : string; sReturnType : number; hHandle : number; begin JmsSetMessageSelector("MESSAGEID = '12345'", csQueue); JmsSetMessageProperty("MESSAGEID","12345"); JmsSendTextMessage("Welcome1!", csQueue); JmsReceiveMessage(csQueue, 5000); sMessage := JmsGetMessageText(); if (Strlen(sMessage) = 0) then RepMessage("ERR: Should have receive the message!", SEVERITY_ERROR); end; JmsClearMessage(); JmsSendTextMessage("Welcome2!", csQueue); sReturnType := JmsReceiveMessage(csQueue, 5000); if sReturnType <> JMS_TIMEOUT then sMessage := JmsGetMessageText(); sMessageId := JmsGetMessageProperty("MESSAGEID"); sMessageSelector := JmsGetMessageSelector(csQueue); Print("Return type: " + string(sReturnType) + "; message text: " + sMessage + "; messageid: " + sMessageId + "; messageSelector: " + sMessageSelector); RepMessage("ERR: Should have not receive the message!", SEVERITY_ERROR); end; JmsSetMessageProperty("MESSAGEID","12345"); JmsSendTextMessage("Welcome3!", csQueue); JmsReceiveMessage(csQueue, -1); JmsVerifyMessageText("Welcome3!"); end TExampleUsingSelector;