CheckRange Condition

The CheckRange condition checks to see if a numeric value lies within a given range. It uses the properties ApplyTo, Offset, Length, UseDataAvail and IfNull to determine what data is to be converted to a numeric value and what the return value should be if the data isn't available or the conversion fails. Also see section “Specifying Data for Conditions”.

Range Attribute

Type Numeric Ranges
Default -
Description Specifies the allowed range for the numeric value.

Convert Attribute

Type Distinct Values
Default Length
Description Specifies how to convert the data (obtained through the properties Apply, Offset, Length, and UseDataAvail) into a number.
Allowed values are:
Length (default) The data is converted to a number by measuring the length (number of bytes) of the data.
Parse The data is converted to a number by assuming a textual numeric value and parsing it. If parsing fails, no range check is performed and the attribute IfNull determines the result of the condition.
LittleEndian The data is treated as a binary representation of a number in little endian format. If the data is empty or is longer than 4 bytes, this fails and the attribute IfNull determines the result of the condition.
BigEndian The data is treated as a binary representation of a number in big endian format. If the data is empty or is longer than 4 bytes, this leads to a failure and the attribute IfNull determines the result of the condition.

