BrowserNativeClick Function


Clicks a DOM element with a specified position and mouse button. A left-button click executes the default actions of the clicked element type.

Include file



BrowserNativeClick( uTestObject : in union,
                    nX          : in number optional,
                    nY          : in number optional,
                    nButton     : in number optional,
                    sTimer      : in string optional ): boolean;
Parameter Description
uTestObject Either a locator that identifies the DOM element or a handle to a previously found DOM element. Throws an error if an invalid handle is used or if the locator can not be resolved.
nX Optional: X position relative to the top left corner of the DOM element. Defaults to the middle of the DOM element. If the middle of the DOM element cannot be clicked, which can be the case when another element is placed in front of it, a different position will be used. If no such position can be found, a legacy click function will be used instead.
nY Optional: Y position relative to the top left corner of the DOM element. Defaults to the middle of the DOM element. If the middle of the DOM element cannot be clicked, which can be the case when another element is placed in front of it, a different position will be used. If no such position can be found, a legacy click function will be used instead.
nButton Optional: BUTTON_LEFT to use the left mouse button (default), BUTTON_RIGHT to use the right mouse button. You can combine mouse buttons with modifier keys using an OR operator. Specify MODIFIER_SHIFT, MODIFIER_ALT, or MODIFIER_CTRL for the respective modifier key. For example: BUTTON LEFT | MODIFIER_CTRL
sTimer Optional: Name of the timer used for page measurements. If this parameter is omitted, no measurements are performed.

Return value

  • true if successful

  • false otherwise


benchmark SilkPerformerRecorder

use "Kernel.bdh"
use "BrowserAPI.bdh"

    TInit           : begin;
    TMain           : 1;



  transaction TInit
  end TInit;

  transaction TMain
    BrowserStart(BROWSER_MODE_DEFAULT, 800, 600);
    // store the button press action to perform when if the dialog with the given name pops up during replay
    BrowserDlgSetButton("Message from webpage #1", "OK");    
    // click the button to make the dialog pop up
    BrowserNativeClick("//BUTTON[@textContents='Normal Button']", 5, 5, BUTTON_Left);        
    // clear the dialog command storage
  end TMain;