Details about finding rule hits are specified in the Search section. All XML paths of properties described in the section
are relative to
Introduction Describes how to define boundaries and apply regular expressions.
LB\Str Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute LB\Str, provides a description and an example.
LB\RegExpr Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute, provides a description and an example.
LB\Offset Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute LB\Offset, provides a description and an example.
RB\Str Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute RB\Str, provides a description and an example.
RB\CharType Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute RB\CharType, provides a description and an example.
RB\RegExpr Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute RB\RegExpr, provides a description and an example.
RB\Length Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute RB\Length, provides a description and an example.
RegExpr and RegExprTag Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attributes RegExpr and RegExprTag, provides a description and an example.
SearchIn Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute SearchIn and provides an example.
CaseSensitive Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute CaseSensitive and provides a description.
IgnoreWhiteSpaces Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute IgnoreWhiteSpaces, provides a description and an example.
CondContentType Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute CondContentType, provides a description and an example.
CondRegExpr Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute CondRegExpr, provides a description and an example.
CondResultLen Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute CondResultLen and provides a description.
Conditions Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute Conditions and provides a description.
Conversion\Dll Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute Conversion\Dll and provides a description.
Conversion\Function Attribute Shows the type and the default value of the attribute Conversion\Function and provides a description.