Modifies the error severity of a specified server error for the subsequent browser-driven function call. This can be done for a specified amount of server errors or for all. Only errors causing Internet Explorer's web browser control to display an error page due to an error in navigation are handled.
BrowserIgnoreServerError( in nStatusCode : number, in nSeverity : number optional := SEVERITY_SUCCESS, in nCount : number optional );
Parameter | Description |
nStatusCode | Server status code to ignore or change the severity for (e.g. 404). |
nSeverity |
Optional: Severity of the error that is raised if the verification fails. Can be one of the following values:
nCount | The specified error can occur nCount times before an error with the default severity is raised. If this parameter is omitted the specified severity is valid for all server responses |
benchmark SilkPerformerRecorder use "BrowserAPI.bdh" dcluser user VUser transactions TMain : 1; dcltrans transaction TMain begin BrowserStart(BROWSER_MODE_DEFAULT, 800, 600); BrowserIgnoreServerError(404, SEVERITY_WARNING, 1); BrowserNavigate("") end TMain;