Dom interactive
Reflects the time span from the request until the browser has completed parsing all HTML elements and constructing the DOM.
Dom complete
Reflects the time span from the request until the browser has completed downloading and processing all resources (images,
stylesheets, scripts, and so on).
Load End
Reflects the time span from the request until the browser has completed executing the onLoad function. As a final step in
every page load process the browser sends an
onLoad event, which triggers the onLoad function. Once the onLoad functions are executed, additional application logic might be
First paint
Reflects the time span from the request until the page begins to display. This measure is available for
Internet Explorer only.
Time to interact
Reflects the time span from the request until all TTI-relevant elements are available on the page. At this point in time,
the user can interact with the web page.
Action time
Reflects the time span from the request until the browser has completed downloading and processing all resources. The end
of this time span varies, depending on the defined synchronization mode: If the synchronization mode
HTML is defined, the action time ends when the onLoad function is completed. If the synchronization mode
AJAX is defined, the action time ends during the
Asynchronous Application Logic phase.