When executing a recorded Oracle Forms script, a client session begins with the OraFormsConnect function call and ends with OraFormsDisconnect or OraFormsDestroy.
transaction TInit begin WebSetBrowser(WEB_BROWSER_MSIE8); WebModifyHttpHeader("Accept-Language", "en,de-at;q=0.5"); OraFormsInit("http://lnz-vmoraf11:8888/forms/lservlet", " lnz-vmoraf11", 9000, ORA_FORMS_11G); end TInit; transaction TShutdown begin OraFormsDestroy(); end TShutdown; transaction TMain var begin OraFormsSetString("DEFAULT_LOCAL_TZ", "Europe/Berlin"); OraFormsConnect( "server module=healthyliving.fmx userid=hl/hl@ORCL_ SERVER sso_userid=" "output_dir=C:\\orant\\forms11\\demos\\temp"); // New window activated: MAIN ThinkTime(3.7); OraFormsSetWindow("MAIN"); OraFormsEditSet("EDIT_CONTROL_0", "USER", ORA_EDIT_SEND_DIRTY); // Supplier Name OraFormsDisconnect(); end TMain;
The above session begins with the OraFormsConnect call and ends with the end of the transaction (OraFormsDisconnect). Therefore each iteration of the transaction can be considered an Oracle Forms client session.