Recording Text Log

The recording text log contains information about the HTTP traffic.

Most of the HTTP information that would normally be logged for a Web application is disabled. If you are interested in detailed HTTP logs, enable this setting in your profile.

The relevant elements of the log are the Oracle Forms messages that are logged when you have a log level of Normal or Debug. Messages from and to the server are logged in the following format:
Sample Message Description
===> Direction: ===> (to server), <== (from server)
Block# 1 -------------------- Block #: A block contains a message sent to the server and the server's response to the message. Both parts are terminated by a terminal message.
MSGTYPE: UPDATE The type of message. Options include: -CREATE, UPDATE, GET, DESTROY, TERMINAL
CLASS: 1/1 The class of control that handles the message
ID: 1 The unique control identifier that handles the message
RESPONSE: 0 Status message


TYPE:PROP_TYPE_POINT Name:INITIAL_RESOLUTION Value:java.awt.Point[x=96,y=96]

TYPE:PROP_TYPE_POINT Name:INITIAL_DISP_SIZE Value: java.awt.Point[x=1280,y=1024]


A list of properties. Each property has a type, name, and value.

When the log level is set to Debug, log information required for troubleshooting is logged to the log file. If you encounter any problems and need to contact Micro Focus SupportLine, please provide a log file utilizing the log level Debug.