A chart is the drawing area, where measures are visually represented as graphs. A chart can also be described as the sum of
all displayed graphs
A graph is a graphical representation of a measure. When you drag a measure onto a chart, it appears as a graph with a particular
color, style, and width.
A series is a sequence of values of a certain measure. For example: The measure
Active users has the values
2, 4, 6, 8. This sequence of values is a series.
A measure is the smallest grouping entity for the values that are collected during a load test or during a monitoring session
for a particular measuring point. A measure has a name and type. A set of measured values that are related to the measure
is stored as a series in a time series data (.tsd) file. For example:
Requests sent or
Trans. (busy) ok[s] are measures.
In a report, you can summarize particular results and important findings of a load test. A report consists of tables and charts
with descriptive text. In
Performance Explorer you can create these kinds of reports: html overview reports, word overview reports, and comparison reports (region, user
type, and custom comparison reports).
A table shows the data that was collected during a load test or during a monitoring session in a tabular form.
Monitor Chart
A monitor chart displays graphs that are updated in real-time. The dynamic monitor charts are used for monitoring sessions,
while static charts are used for the results analysis of a completed load test.
Monitor Writer
A monitor writer is a graphical and textual summary of a monitoring session.
A system is a machine, technology, or application that can be monitored.
Performance Explorer supports a broad range of systems for monitoring.